Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Welcome to the Jungle

Today. 10:00am.

Matthew's 1st real tantrum in a store.

People stopped. And stared. And commented.

And I kept on shopping.

All the time singing "Welcome to the Jungle" in my head.


kari said...

rats!! sorry about that- it's never fun. you survived, though?!?!?

Jenna said...

Like I said about OUR nap transition issues, Sawyer had his first EVER tantrum during that time- in WalMart while I was trying to complete a return. So, I feel your pain. It is mortifying. No doubt about it!!! At least you had a good attitude about it! :) Not much else you can do....it WILL pass. It will just be a long couple of months while he catches on to the new routine!!!

RamblingMother said...

If it is any consolation we have all been there.

Rebecca Lily said...

Well I'm glad you were able to continue shopping... singing, no less!!

I have found the following to be very helpful when G is throwing a tantrum in the store:

1. YOU HAVE TO BE VERY ANIMATED WHEN YOU DO THIS. Jump around squealing, "Oh my gosh, LOOK, LOOK!! LOOK MATTHEW!!!! Look what's over there!!" It doesn't matter what's over there, but they quit crying long enough to look. Then start talking. FAST. "What color is that bag of potato chips? Should we BUY some potato chips? Should we eat the whole bag as soon as we get home??" Etc. etc. Just keep talking.

2. Sometimes picking them up out of the cart, stroller or whatever and then hugging, kissing & acting sorry for them is all they want/need. Of course you never know if the tantrum will resume when you put them BACK...

3. Go buy a set of earplugs. They are in the hardware section.

4. You can try the disaster-avoidance technique: bring yogurt covered raisins or something and let them chow down while you race around the store throwing items into your cart. Once the snack is gone, LEAVE QUICKLY.

Hope that helps. :)

Hugs & much love,

Andrea said...

OH how I love Guns-n-Roses...........Oh wait, back to the tantrum. You did great. Just ignore it. He just does it to get a reaction. When he sees that it gets nothing, he'll move on to something else. THE JOYS OF BOYS!
You might want to keep an umbrella stroller in the car. Whenever you go into a store MAKE him ride in the stroller. ALWAYS Strap him in. If he wants to pitch a fit..You just roll him on out to the car kickin'and screamin'. It keeps you in control. He is VERY VERY SMART and this is not a BABY thing. Tantrums are a CONTROL thing. He'll catch on.
OR you guys can just come to Mississippi for a couple of weeks and I can put him through "BABY BOOT CAMP"! :)


Laurzie said...

Hysterical! I totally understand. Both of my girls are flipping out and sitting in time out as I type. :( At least we're in it together!

Rebecca Lily said...

Andrea rocks!! I vote Baby Boot Camp for BOTH our boys!!!!!

Tami said...

Nathan never had a full blown tantrum in a store, just at home, so I got off easy with him. Owen, on the other hand, made up for that. His first was in Walmart, and boy was it a BIG one...an all out, down on the floor, scream at the top of your lungs tantrum. Man does he know how to draw a crowd!

When leaving him on the floor to work it out failed I decided to pick him up and leave.....the thrashing arms and legs were going a mile a minute ( of course the tantrum took place at the BACK of the store!) I was in an all out sweat by the time I reached the car.

One other note....It AMAZES me how many people (mostly women at that) will gather round and stare....like your child is the first child to ever throw a tantrum, and feel their incredulous stares are actually helping the situation!!!

Yvonne Crawford said...

Oh I so feel your pain!!! Mia really let me have it every day after Lachlan came home. Thank God we've been tantrum free for 3 days. woohoo!

Yvonne Crawford said...

BTW, mia had a tantrum (her last one) at the pool. My sister (bless her heart) put Mia in time out on a chair and said that she couldn't go into the water until she stopped crying, because I just couldn't take it anymore. She was only about 3 feet from us, but it was her shortest and LAST (for now) tantrum. I swear my sister fixes all of my 'kid' problems.

Kerry said...

Ok, I will mentally try to prepare for this. I know it's coming and will be here soon. Grandma calls Holly a great protester because she just goes completely limp and becomes a slippery little thing to try to pick up. I dread the day she doesn't want to go shopping and strata screaming.

Sounds like you did what worked for you. Hopefully this phase will pass quickly with Matthew!

Tiffany and Gabriel said...

Can I sign up Nolan for baby boot camp, too? Sigh. Guess I better have my inventory of tantrum songs ready...

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